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University of Regensburg

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Blended learning is not a new concept; recently, there has been a renewed focus on this learning strategy, both in the education and corporate sectors. Although the definition of blended learning is somewhat inchoate, it is generally described as an environment that includes the use of different modes of teaching and learning. Blended learning holds particular promise for developing countries because it can make availability of resources, regional, and international educational institutions. The perspective we adopt in this paper, where we aim to take a realistic look at the potential of blended learning in developing countries, giving consideration to the various possibilities and most importantly, to the accessibility of technology both today and in the future.

Keywords – Blended learning, Studio based learning, Developing countries, virtual classroom, traditional education.


Hanan Atef, Mervat Medhat.(2015).Blended Learning Possibilities in Enhancing Education, Training and Development in Developing Countries: A Case Study in Graphic Design Courses.TEM Journal, 4(4), 358-365.


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