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University of Regensburg

University Library of Regensburg  


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Title: An Agent Based Software Approach towards

            Building Complex Systems

Authors: Latika Kharb


Agent-oriented techniques represent an exciting new means of analyzing, designing and building complex software systems. They have the potential to significantly improve current practice in software engineering and to extend the range of applications that can feasibly be tackled. Yet, to date, there have been few serious attempts to cast agent systems as a software engineering paradigm. This paper seeks to rectify this omission. Specifically, points to be argued include:firstly, the conceptual apparatus of agent-oriented systems is well-suited to building software solutions for complex systems and secondly, agent-oriented approaches represent a genuine advance over the current state of the art for
engineering complex systems. Following on from this view, the major issues raised by adopting an agentoriented approach to software engineering are highlighted and discussed in this paper.

Keywords – Agent systems, software engineering, complex systems, software solutions.


Latika Kharb, Enes Sukic.(2015).An Agent Based Software Approach towards Building Complex Systems.TEM Journal, 4(3), 287-291.


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