Vol.13, No.4, November 2024. ISSN: 2217-8309 eISSN: 2217-8333
TEM Journal
TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION, MANAGEMENT, INFORMATICS Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science |
Hierarchical Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis of Technology Acceptant Through the Mobile Cloud Learning of Vocational and Technical Education
Sathaporn Yoosomboon, Sunti Sopapradit,Thanyatorn Amornkitpinyo, Pimprapa Amornkitpinyo, Sasinut Lhaitananont, Patamaporn Thaiposri
© 2024 Sunti Sopapradit, published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Citation Information: TEM Journal. Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 3168-3174, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM134-51, November 2024.
Received: 15 January 2024. Revised: 10 May 2024.
This research aimed to study correlation of variables and create an equation for predicting actual use of mobile cloud learning. The participant sample comprised 1,080 vocational students from 27 vocational and technical schools. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, correlation and hierarchical stepwise multiple regression. This research found the independent variables of actual use of mobile cloud learning were Basic ICT skill (BAS), System Quality (SYS), Convenience (CON), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), and Perceived Usefulness (PU) which were related to actual use of mobile cloud learning at a significance level of 0.05 and explained 61.90 percent of the variance. The raw score equation was “ACU = .258 + .094 BAS +.434SYS + .129 CON + .023PEOU + .536PU”. The standardized score was “ZACU = .099ZBAS + .429ZSYS + .113ZCON + .192ZPEOU + .562ZPU”.
Keywords –Mobile cloud learning, technology accept model (TAM), convenience, basics ICT skill, system quality. |
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