TEM Journal

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University of Regensburg

University Library of Regensburg  


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Title: Non-Stationary Heat Conduction through Transparent Thermal Insulators

Authors: Smajo Sulejmanovic, Suad Kunosic, Ema Hankic.


This document refers to the non-stationary heat conduction through transparent thermal insulators. Non-stationary heat transfer means that temperature varies in time, in all points of the thermal field. Temporal and spatial distributions of the temperature inside of the sample are experimentally determined.

Keywords – Transparent thermal insulators, non-stationary heat conduction, thermal field, coefficient of heat transfer over, coefficient of heat transfer through, coefficient of heat conduction


Smajo Sulejmanovic, Suad Kunosic, Ema Hankic.(2015).Non-Stationary Heat Conduction through Transparent Thermal Insulators.TEM Journal, 4(2), 164-171.


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